OS for Spaceship Earth

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Operating System for Spaceship Earth


The greatest threat to life on Earth isn’t just environmental collapse; it’s war and political division. Imagine if we could upgrade our governance structure to better serve society, transcending borders to create fairer, safer policies, voting, and taxation systems.


This new governance model would be founded on a few core principles:


Direct Democracy: A system where individuals vote on policies directly, not on party leaders, empowering citizens to shape governance on issues that truly matter.

Tax Allocation by Choice: A budget system where citizens choose how their taxes are distributed across ministries and services, giving individuals more control over the resources they care about most.

Fair Transactional Taxation: Using a hybrid blockchain system, taxes would be collected based on a percentage of transactions. The wealthiest individuals and corporations, who make the largest transactions, would contribute the most, while the poorest pay less. All other taxes are abolished. This creates a fairer, more balanced tax system.

Cultural Independence & Tokenisation: Encouraging cultural independence through tokenisation, allowing regions or groups that identify as independent to maintain their identity. Meanwhile, a decentralised financial market (DeFi) would facilitate real-time exchange of all currencies, collecting the tax while fostering global cooperation without diminishing local autonomy.


To test and develop this system, we could establish temporary autonomous zones—large, festival-like environments—where new policies and technologies could be safely trialed for short periods. These controlled experiments would allow us to refine the system before real-world implementation.


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